Apolinex uses population data described by Pheasant (1991) as a basis for specification of design parameters activation of the APOLINEX system, after its installation in the appropriate files of AutoCAD, includes recalling of the hierarchically built set of menu options on the computer screen (that is, ruler on the right hand side of the AutoCAD screen).
Selection of specific options involves pointing with the help of a mouse to an appropriate segment (or section with the specific name in the menu), and activation of the confirm key. The basic functions that control the motion of the mannequin allow for movement of any segment or the whole mannequin.
The body segments can be moved using rotation around the appropriate axis, with help of the local coordinates which can be seen on the computer screen, and which are accessible from the list of screen menu elements. The basic way of performing the body motion is based on one or two clicks of the mouse. First, using the menu, one determines the axis of rotation (up- down, left-right, around). Next, with the help of a cursor, one can mark specific elements and, consequently, move them around as needed.
The basic Apolinex features enable the user to perform fast analyses of the spatial relationships in the virtual design scene. If, for instance, one designs sitting workplace, the use of two threshold manikins, that is 5th and 95th centile, will provide the sitting pan range of regulation necessary for the selected population.
If the working activities include the operation of devices requiring manipulation, one may specify minimal distances to those objects by choosing a 5 centile individual and positioning his body segments in such a way that they simulate the operation process of those tools.