Płonka M., Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2023). Conjoint Analysis Models of Digital Packaging Information Features in Customer Decision-Making. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 22(5), 1551-1590.   Cited (JCR): 0, Other Cites: 0 IF:4.9 5yIF: Pt:70
Product packaging has a great influence on customers' decision-making and shapes purchase intentions. The graphic message is the crucial component of this impact. Digital presentations of goods are ubiquitous, therefore understanding how graphical features influence customer decisions is of enormous theoretical and practical importance. Despite the interest, the role of specific factors and their combinations is still unclear, especially if medium-involvement products are concerned. Since only a few studies have considered this context, this research examines how eight variants of a digital presentation of cordless kettle packaging influence purchase willingness, which was derived from pairwise comparisons using eigenvectors. The experimental conditions differed in three factors: the existence of a product graphical context, a brief or extended product description, and white or black packaging background color. Results of analyses of variance and conjoint analyses revealed a significant role of all examined effects, with the background color being the least influential. The best-rated designs included graphical context and extended textual information. There were also some meaningful gender-related differences revealed by conjoint analyses. The black background color was much more important for females than males. The outcomes broaden our knowledge on people's perception of packaging design graphical factors, and their impact on purchase decisions. © 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company.
conjoint analysis; decision-making; digital package perception; Electronic commerce; purchase preferences; visual processing
1. Introduction
The graphic message is an important element of communication in
various spheres of human activity. Visual communication also plays a key
role in human interaction with digital systems. On the one hand, it
facilitates control over these systems and, on the other hand, it is a
means of conveying information. Studies on factors that shape the
graphical message have a long history (e.g., [1], [2]) and aim to
recognize the relationships between graphical features and the reactions
they evoke in humans (e.g., [3], [4]). In recent years, there have even
been attempts to develop algorithms involving artificial intelligence
that relate visual design and the cognitive process of making purchase
decisions (e.g., [5]–[8]).
More than 70% of decisions on the purchase of everyday and choice
goods are estimated to be made at the real or virtual place of purchase
[9]. Therefore, the communication between the producer and the customer
through the packaging is of particular importance. The purpose of
packaging design is to attract the attention of the consumer and evoke a
positive attitude toward the offered product. Many studies show that
product packaging has a great influence on shaping purchase intentions.
Confirmation of these observations can be found, for example, in recent
studies by Sook-Fern et al. [10] or Cabral-Rebouças et al. [11].
Researchers obtain similar findings for both physical packaging and
virtual designs presented on screens of all types. The packaging of
everyday goods (low-involvement) and choice goods (medium-involvement
[12]) has been one of the main research trends in the area over the last
two decades. For example, laboratory studies using virtual reality
technology by Underwood et al. [13] revealed that attention increased if
the packaging contained a graphic image of the product. Underwood and
Klein [14] showed that the presence of a picture on the packaging
positively affects the brand assessment and increases the evaluation of
the packaging itself. Vriens et al. [15] compared verbal information and
digital presentation of 3D car stereo sets, and showed the significant
influence of graphic information on understanding the attributes of
product design. Deliza et al. [16] found that the presence of graphics
has a significant positive effect on the liking of passion fruit
These research results show the positive and multifaceted role of
graphic information about the product. Image attributes can be
considered hierarchically and scientists examine both low-level items
such as color, size, texture, etc. and high-level factors aggregated
according to different criteria or general theories (e.g., abstraction,
complexity, symmetry, naturalness) [17]. Studies demostrate that the
influence of the image on a person is a complex psychological process.
The presence of the image affects people by shaping their attitude
toward the product, and from the cognitive point of view, allows for a
better understanding of product design parameters and provides
predictions of sensory experiences. Since these investigations often
deal with the influence of specific attributes on purchase decisions,
they fit well with the main theoretical developments elaborated and
systematically extended for more than 50 years, such as the Theory
of Buyer Behavior (TBB) [18], the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB) [19], and the Theory of Utility (TOU) which
is the basis of Conjoint Analysis (CA) [20].
In this paper, we continue the research in these directions and focus
specifically on examining the influence of selected, digitally presented
packaging graphical features on customer buying willingness and the
resulting purchase decisions. The packaging examined differs by three
independent factors, namely graphical context, description type, and
background color. The stimuli include the cordless kettle as
a representative of medium-involvement products, which have rarely been
studied. The product is very popular and available in all home appliance
stores. Moreover, it was relatively easy to design an appropriate
unambiguous graphical context and provide an extended description that
is understandable and familiar to all subjects. The additional rationale
for choosing these specific factors lies in including both low- and
high-level factors in our study. To the best of our knowledge,
this factor composition has not yet been investigated, and it would be
interesting to examine possible interactions with some more common
graphical attributes. While some studies involved similar factors, as
far as we know, none included all of them in a full-factorial experiment
in the context presented. Although several investigations involve the CA
framework, very few of them employ pairwise comparisons of carefully
designed three-dimensional medium-involvement product packaging. Our
study differs also from most studies in this area in that it takes
advantage of eigenvectors to compute relative weights for compared
objects, which are then used in the CA.
In the remainder of the article, first, we describe the theoretical
frameworks that constitute the basis of our research (Sections 2.1 to
2.3). Section 2.4 contains a review of studies on selected factors that
shape the visual appearance of the physical and digital packaging. In
Section 3, we provide details of the conducted experiment together with
motivation and rationale for choosing specific factor levels. Section 4
presents the obtained results, and their formal statistical analyses
along with the elaborated CA and purchase models. In the discussion
(Section 5), we provide possible explanations of the results and compare
them with previous studies. In addition, we outline theoretical and
practical applications and propose directions for further research. We
end the paper by summarizing the results and providing conclusions.
2. Theoretical background
Customer purchase behaviors have been of theoretical and practical
interest since the beginning of the human market activity. Consumer
purchasing decisions are undoubtedly a complex process that is a
conglomeration of the influence of many social, psychological, economic
and cultural factors. The structure of knowledge in this area is
reflected in theories of consumer behavior that have been developed
since the early 1960s [21]. Among the most popular are TBB [18], TPB
[19], and CA [20] based on TOU. The purpose of these constructs is to
build tools for understanding and predicting purchase behavior.
2.1. Theory of Buyer Behavior
Howard and Sheth [18] seem to have made the most comprehensive
proposal in this area. Their TBB depicts the sequence of information
processing in the consumer's purchase decision process. The course and
effects of this process are the result of the integration of factors of
a social, psychological and marketing nature [18], [22]. Figure 1
presents the general idea of the simplified TBB.
Outputs include the consumer's final decision sequence,
which is the result of complex decision-making processes described by
hypothetical concepts and relationships linking market
(Inputs), external (social, cultural, etc.) and internal
(psychological) variables. The key sequence of Outputs
corresponds to the earlier AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action)
influence model [23]. The final link in this sequence is the decision to
purchase a product. The formulation of Attitudes to objects,
which is the result of the produced (in the complex processes of the
Hypothetical constructs block) hierarchy of objects considered
(Predisposition), Attention, and
Comprehension, precedes this decision. Social interactions
(e.g., word of mouth) trigger the processing that is taking
place in the Hypothetical constructs block. Market messages
about the attributes of the offered products contained in the
Inputs block also influence this processing.
The complexity of the TBB makes it probably one of the most complete
descriptions of buying behavior available in the literature. On the
other hand, it is difficult to use it in its entirety for practical
marketing analysis [24]. Particular difficulties are posed by the
operationalization of Hypothetical constructs [25]. In such
pragmatic applications, the TPB and its modifications proposed in the
works of Ajzen [19], [26], [27] are more common.
Figure 1. The processing path within the simplified
model of the Theory of Buyer Behavior adapted from [18], [22].
2.2. Theory of Planned Behavior
The use of TPB to analyze purchasing behavior, as in TBB, involves
predicting a decision to purchase a product or service. A simplified
diagram of this approach is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Simplified and modified model of the
Theory of Planned Behavior adapted from [19], [26].
The central factor here, as in TBB, is purchase Intention,
determined mainly by Attitude toward behavior.
However, the notion of Beliefs, as a subjective variable in the
latest version of the model [28], allows the use of survey data on
opinions expressed in specific contexts by consumers in practical
analyses. The attitude level is ultimately determined as proportional to
related attributes by Formula (1):
where bi is the
strength of belief that a product has attribute i, and ei is the
subjective weight of the i-th attribute. Thus, TPB reduces the
complex processes described by TBB to a simpler approach of identifying
Input – Output relationships that link object
attributes with the buying behavior. The search for detailed forms of
quantitative relationships from the model in purchase situations of
specific products or services dominates TPB applications. Factor
analysis and path models are typically the methodological basis. They
employ validated questionnaires to study the relationships of factors
composed of specific questions called items.
For example, George [29] proposed an overall structure of the TPB
path model to predict online shopping intentions. The result of the
study is the following relationship: "Attitude depends mainly on
Internet trustworthiness beliefs." Hansen [30] showed a model of
the influence of selected values represented by the consumer on Attitude
defined as willingness to buy groceries online. This study of Swedish
consumers aimed at identifying a relationship in the form of a path
model between selected factors describing "consumer values" and the
level of Attitude. Chen and Tung [31] similarly investigated the
relationships that shape the intention of visiting green hotels. Beldad
and Hegner [32] developed a path-based TPB model for factors that
determine the level of intention to purchase Fair Trade Products. In
this proposal, the inclusion of the moderating influence of the gender
variable extends the classic TPB relationships. Maksan et al. [33]
suggested an extension of the TPB by including the ethnocentrism
variable in the analysis of consumer attitudes toward different types of
wine. Recently, Wu and Song [34] presented a hybrid correlation model in
the analysis of elderly people's online shopping propensity combining
TPB with a technology acceptance model. In this model, the perceived
ease of use and usefulness shape the level of attitude toward online
One can see from the sample studies presented above that determining
the level of attitude toward a shopping behavior is a key element of
their goals. It can be said that the parameters of the relationship and
TPB Formula (1) were identified in one way or another.
2.3. Theory of Utility and Conjoint analysis
A similar perspective on purchase propensity analysis has been
proposed in CA, which has been evolving along with TBB and TPB since the
1960s [20]. The primary source of the CA concept is the TOU, which
originated in the field of economic science and dates back to the
seminal work of von Neumann and Morgenstern [35]. Utility in this area
is understood as subjective satisfaction experienced by the consumer
that reflects a certain consumption structure, also called the
“basket of goods”. Since direct satisfaction measurement is
difficult to carry out, the concept of preference was introduced that
quantifies utility according to the ordered basket of goods. The
numerical function corresponding to this relationship is called the
utility function. Of the many detailed quantitative approaches to
determine this function, analysts most often use the part-worth
model [36]. It is obtained by conducting full-factor experiments. For
P attributes and J-rated objects, a linear combination
of individual utilities represents the respondent's preference for the
j-th object. This can be expressed as in Formula (2):
where Uj is the total
utility of the object, fp, is the
partworth for the yjp
level of the p attribute.
In this context, it is also believed that people tend to maximize the
global utility when making purchasing decisions. What distinguishes the
CA methods from other TOU approaches is their decompositional nature. In
conjoint-based analyses, object feature utilities are calculated from
the overall utility retrieved from customers. In compositional methods,
it is the other way round, the total utility is derived from the partial
utilities of object components. In CA, we discover preferences for
attribute levels, which are called parth-worths along with determining
the relative importance of these attributes [20], [37].
Quantitative identification of the discussed relationships allows its
practical use in simulations of consumer reactions to changes in
existing products and purchase attitudes toward new proposals.
Preferences for attribute levels are obtained for individual subjects,
so they can be the basis for the heterogeneity analysis of subjects.
This, in turn, may serve to segment the population in terms of specific
design solutions [38]. Another important advantage of CA-type approaches
is the ability to compute the purchasing probabilities of variants
according to various models. Relatively easy-to-access computational
tools have led to significant development of CA applications. A broad
overview of the applications of various versions of CA surveys in the
marketing area was compiled and described in detail in the works of
[36], [39], [40].
Although CA in its basic assumptions is based on slightly different
sets of variables than TBB and TPB, the approach to determining utility
– attribute relationships seems to coincide with the main concepts of
these two theories of market behavior. The key concept of Attitude
toward object that shape purchase intentions in practical
applications of both theories results from differently defined object
attributes. The utility function determined in CA studies, whose
parameters reflect preferences, in principle, coincides with a function
specified by Equation (1). Traditional research schemes even use
consumer response scales named Probability of purchase while
retrieving overall preferences or utilities of objects [39]. It seems
that this approach is almost identical to the concept of Purchase
intention or expresses Attitude toward object. Therefore,
CA as a tool that analyzes the Attribute – Attitude
relationship can be used for operationalization purposes of the TPB and
TBB components.
The choice-based version of CA seems to be particularly suitable for
research on the properties of packaging and products. In this technique,
subjects make a simulated product selection instead of assessing the
utility of all proposals in the set, as in the traditional version. The
practical advantage of this approach is demonstrated in the experiments
of Jaeger et al. [41]. They showed the compliance of the obtained
results for the products selected, in fact, with the results of
realistic evaluation of photographs. These results are a rational basis
for applying the CA approach in the investigation of virtual objects
used in contemporary visual communication tools such as digital signage.
Computer-generated images of products and packaging are increasingly
often the subject of experiments, see, e.g., [15], [16], [42]. Many of
the previously discussed studies adopted the CA perspective. Silayoi and
Speece [43] determined the relative importances of food packaging
factors for Thai consumers. Based on these indicators, they segmented
the study group. CA was used similarly in the work of [16], [44],
The use of eigenvectors to determine consumer preferences in the
context of CA, for complex products, was proposed in the work of Scholz
et al. [46]. The authors highlight the most significant advantages of
pairwise comparisons over traditional CA approaches in retrieving
preferences. In this approach, the comparison of only two objects at a
time does not overburden the respondent cognitively. The authors
documented in two experiments the superiority of using this approach
over adaptive CA and the self-depicted weighted approach for complex
products with 10–15 attributes. Moreover, subjective pairwise
comparisons have been shown to provide better approximations of the
relations of real objects than direct ratings of all alternatives [47].
Given these results, it is not surprising that the use of such an
approach has become more and more popular. For instance, in the study
[48], this framework was employed to identify preferences toward nine
versions of the digital signage screen layout profiles differentiated by
two factors. Then, they were utilized as overall utilities in CA. In the
work [49], binary pairwise comparisons within the CA framework were also
used to retrieve preferences for objects that varied with the location
of the brand name, typography, and background color.
Recent methodological developments further extend the approach of
retrieving subjective priorities from pairwise comparisons (e.g., [50]).
Some of them can be applied even when the number of alternatives is
large and the comparison matrix is only partly available (e.g., [51],
[52]). Other extensions deal with problems where group decision making
takes place (e.g., [53], [54]).
In the research presented in this article, we used the classical
part-worth conjoint analysis model to identify the factors of Equation
(2) in the context of the influence of the graphic attributes of virtual
packaging on the purchase preferences of potential consumers. In the
study, we also use the approach involving the eigenvector
technique to determine purchase propensity preferences based on pairwise
comparisons of digitally represented packaging designs. The preference
vectors obtained in this way were used as utilities in identifying the
parameters of Equation (2) for each subject.
It can be noted that our research can be regarded as a practical
application of the components of the TBB and TPB theories to explain the
purchase behavior of consumers. Obtaining specific values for Equation
(2) can be an important extension and practical addition to both models
for the analyzed context. In the TPB model, the identified relationship
(2) Attributes – Attitudes makes it possible to
practically predict Purchase intentions and, consequently,
behavior. Especially because the product under study belongs to the
category of medium-involvement products. The TPB model in such a context
is not very sensitive to the factors of subjective norms (other people's
views, social pressure, etc.). Behavioral control understood as
the perception of the ease of performing the behavior for the situation
studied is full. Defining this relationship in terms of
part-worths seems to be completely consistent with the concept of
studying Attitude (Equation 1) despite the terminological differences
and other theoretical perspectives. In the TBB model, relation (2) can
serve as a method for operationalizing the concept of information
processing on the key path of this model: Inputs: Product
attributes → Hypothetical constructs:
Predisposition (hierarchy) → Output:
Attitudes. Since in the present study we used the factorial
design for the conducted experiment, the terms graphical attributes,
features, and factors are used interchangeably.
2.4. Factors (attributes) shaping the packaging visual appearance – related literature
Packaging conveys visual information to the customer and may be
regarded as specific graphics. Apart from the product image discussed so
far, the other attributes of the packaging also have a visual character.
Many works over the past two decades have reported the examination of
these features and their impact on consumer perception. As mentioned
above, the design factors determining the final shape of the packaging
are complex and often exhibit a hierarchical structure. Therefore, two
different research perspectives can be found in the relevant literature,
namely, the higher-order factor approach and the low-level factor
(constructive) approach [17]. The main difference between them is that
the former relates to general mechanisms of the human image processing
system, frequently of abstract nature, while the latter is focused on
the impact of specific, directly observable, and contextually determined
features of the graphic message. Of course, the two categories are not
disjoint. Often, the specific implementation of a visual message is a
consequence of considering higher-order factors at the design stage. It
may also happen that the results of the study of specific graphical
designs can be interpreted or explained in terms of higher-order
mechanisms or factors.
2.4.1. Higher order factor approach
The analysis of the dependencies based on complex factors has its
roots in the field of anthropology and cognitive psychology. Studies on
graphical information processing have been carried out for a long time
in these areas. The knowledge obtained is organized in the form of
theories and/or hypotheses. Since they are related to the general
mechanisms of the human image processing system, they also operate on
rather general factors that characterize the visual message. Gestalt
psychologists [1], for example, elaborated several principles that
govern the image construction in the human brain. They were based on
empirical research on abstract graphic messages. Generally, these rules
rely on the automatic grouping of image components. The process is based
on several criteria, such as geometric proximity, shape similarity,
contrast, or symmetry. Research conducted in this spirit since the 1980s
led to the formulation of preattentive perception theories (e.g.,
Feature Integration Theory [55]). They assume that visual
processing begins with the phase of automatic and unconscious ordering
of image components based on their specific features (e.g., color). Only
in the second stage does conscious recognition of the meaning of the
image occur.
With this approach, graphic information design can be assessed by
examining the degree of fulfillment of the principles developed within
these theories. If the rules are met, the graphical message will be more
effective and efficient because it will be better suited to the
processing mechanisms. However, the general principles of gestalt or
preattentive processing are quite difficult to translate into specific
designs, and, in practice, their operation may be limited. For example,
it has been shown in [56] that color-evoked preattentivism works
correctly for specific computer graphical interfaces only to a limited
extent. Too detailed color-based breakdowns of interface items make it
difficult to retrieve information and reduce cognitive processing
The higher-order design factors approach was presented in the
research on packaging by Orth and Malkowitz [57]. The purpose of the
study was to determine the rules for building packaging that trigger the
appropriate responses. These customer reactions were to be consistent
with the brand owner's intentions. The opinions gathered from
experienced designers allowed the authors to obtain five basic types of
holistic packaging, that is, massive, contrasting, natural, delicate,
and nondescript.
Based on empirical research, each type of packaging was assigned the
most appropriate dimension of brand personality from Aaker’s typology
[58]. Although the authors showed examples of packaging belonging to
particular holistic types, it seems that in a specific context, the
construction of the correct packaging and even the assignment of a given
design to a specific type is not a simple matter. The image perception
analysis from the perspective of higher order factors is also the
subject of basic research in psychology and art. Lindell and Mueller
[59] presented a review of studies on art appreciation. The works
discussed in this review show that this type of investigation has a long
history. Systematic experiments were already carried out in the 1960s.
The general results of various analyzes indicate that complex factors
such as abstraction, form, complexity, prototypicality, and symmetry
determine the level of perceived beauty of a painting.
Research in the area of neural science presented by Capó et al. [60]
identified the physiological foundations of previous judgments that
combined affective and cognitive processes play a significant role in
shaping aesthetic preferences. From this point of view, packaging design
should be treated as creating a message that shapes people’s
perceptions. This, in turn, requires a detailed examination of
lower-order design factors. The relationships of such easily
interpretable factors with the customer induced reactions can create a
practical knowledge base for designers.
2.4.2. Low-level factors research
Knowledge from psychology, physiology of vision, or anthropology
inspires many studies on visual information conveyance, including
marketing research on product packaging. From the perspective of
constitutive factors, these investigations often aim at verifying to
what extent the general theories developed work in practical projects,
what their limitations are, and how to translate these theories into
design rules in practice.
An example of such a trend is research into the implications of
cerebral lateralization [61] for packaging design. The basic factor
studied in this area is the relative position of the picture and the
text on the packaging or the locations of individual picture components.
Since the right hemisphere is better suited to process pictorial
information and the left one is more logical and verbal, placing the
image on the left side of the textual information favors the processing
of all information. Many studies on marketing messages have confirmed
the significant influence of the lateralization mechanism on the
evaluation of packaging design. For example, Rettie and Brewer [9]
demonstrated a better level of recalling information in a structured
message according to the phenomenon discussed. Previous studies
described in [2] also showed that the composition of an image, in which
the most important information is on the right, scores higher aesthetic
scores. However, the effect of lateralization is not unequivocal. In a
study of pictures of different natures, Ishii et al. [62] showed a
significant change in aesthetic preferences for the Japanese in relation
to the English. In general, the English rated drawings with left-right
directionality prettier but the Japanese vice versa. The way of reading
that differs between the two nations is a probable modifier of the
phenomenon. Interestingly, other cultural factors can modify the
operation of the lateralization mechanism. This is indicated by the
results obtained in [43], in which the Bangkok residents preferred the
right-left orientation of the picture in relation to the inscription on
the food package. In the study of bottles with water and vodka,
Westerman et al. [63] also obtained higher preferences for the
orientation of the description – graphics contrary to the principles of
brain laterality. Experiments presented in Togawa et al. [64] revealed
the relationship between the place where the image of food products is
located and the perceived taste of the products. The product images
presented on the computer screen, placed in the lower part of the
packaging design, showed a greater tendency to buy, but also more
intense taste sensations of the tested samples.
An interesting trend, although not extensively followed, in research
on the graphic message of packaging regards product image
characteristics. The visual quality of the image was the subject of an
investigation by Farooq et al. [65]. The high reproduction quality of
the product image (photorealistic) raises the degree of confidence in
the high quality of the product. The structure of biscuits and snack
packaging was studied by Vergura and Luceri [17]. The analysis of
products shown in the context that include ingredients and spices and
without additional elements showed greater emotional acceptance of the
former designs. The two design approaches did not differentiate the
purchasing intentions of potential consumers.
Anthropological and cultural inspirations became the basis for
studies on the influence of curved and sharp-edged shapes. Psychological
investigations on abstract and real graphic objects with rounded and
straight shapes are reported in [66]. They show that the latter are
assessed negatively. The authors formulated the hypothesis that sharp
shapes are associated with danger and trigger negative bias. In
practical experiments on packaging marketing message factors, the shape
is one of the basic attributes analyzed. The shape of the packaging
itself was analyzed, among others, in [42], [43], [45]. While in the
first of these studies, the analyzed shape of food packaging with
rounded edges caused negative opinions, in other cases, curved shapes
influenced higher ratings of the examined aspects of the information
message. The influence of visual variables of beverage packaging on
purchase intentions was also shown by Purwaningsih et al. [67]. The main
results of the research indicate the most important role of the
attractiveness of the packaging shape and the colors used.
Research on graphical aspects of packaging also involved their
relative importance to verbal information in shaping consumer reactions.
The study by Vriens et al. [15] on the attitudes of consumers towards
newly designed car stereo equipment revealed a comparable role for
graphic and verbal information in designer-customer communication. The
basic role of textual information in the selection of the type of coffee
was demonstrated in a simple study that included interviews with
consumers in stores [68]. Information about the geographical production
place along with the packaging form influenced the purchase
Written information and its graphical representation can also
significantly influence consumer perceptions such as perceived quality
of information or usability of the product. These aspects were subject
to investigation by Theetranont et al. [69] who tried to combine a
multiattribute preference theory with a product visualization tool in
the context of online shopping. Flavián et al. [70] carried out another
investigation in this area. They investigated the influence of different
product presentation modes on consumer perceptions of the quality of the
web site content. A significant increase in the positive website
perception was obtained for product information presented in the form of
a list or table.
The study of the importance of textual information in the context of
other packaging design factors was presented, among others, in [43]. The
authors documented the positive effect of precise and expanded
information versus the vague one on the likelihood of purchasing the
food product. The relative weight obtained from the CA places this
information third among the five factors tested. In [16] paper, extended
information was shown to be the most important factor, in addition to
background color, that affects the sensory expectations of consumers of
passion fruit juice. Interactions with other package design factors can
modify the role of textual information. Piqueras-Fiszman et al. [45]
showed in the example of a jam jar that text can lower the level of
willingness to try. However, interaction with the ridged texture of the
jar itself changes the effect of textual information to a positive
Color fulfills many functions in a graphic message. It is one of the
factors that organize image processing of the visual message recipient.
The preattentive function of color in graphical interface design has
been investigated, among others, in [71]. This work shows that color
distinctions support searching for objects, but also that there are
limitations to the positive effect of color in this respect. Generally,
too small areas distinguished by different colors make it difficult to
search and cancel the color preattentive advantage.
In research on food product packaging, it was demonstrated that
colors can evoke various sensory associations. Ngo et al. [72] showed,
for example, a clear predominance of blue in representing the
respondents experience in relation to still and sparkling water. Deliza
et al. [16] in the analysis of passion fruit juice packages noted
the high importance of the orange and white package background color in
shaping sensory expectations. A study of the influence of food package
color on the probability of purchase was presented in [43]. The authors
examined two levels of the color factor, namely, classic and colorful,
among Asian consumers. Classic colors had a positive effect on the
willingness to buy, as opposed to colorful, which lowered this index. To
some extent, a similar result is shown in [57], where a negative
correlation was reported between the assessment of the wine brand and
the number of colors used in the label design. A recent study by Lidón
et al. [73] indicates that product image colors are related to the
phenomenon of cross-modality. In the experiment, two colors of apples
were used on the juice packaging, which significantly influenced the
perceived taste parameters of the juice.
2.4.3. Other packaging-related factors
In addition to the purely visual aspects of the packaging, technical
and social factors also play an important role in shaping the consumer’s
attitude towards the product. Packaging material, convenience of use,
nature of the brand, price, and environmental impact (recyclability)
were examined in [44]. The results of this experiment on yoghurts showed
that many people are sensitive to the environmental impact of packaging.
As many as 1/3 of the participants considered the possibility of
packaging recycling as the most important factor in product selection.
The applied grouping divided the surveyed consumers into the following
segments: green packaging, price sensitive, convenience, and brand
loyal. Krah et al. [74] presented similar findings. They examined the
reaction of consumers to the ecolabel that indicated the level of
sustainability of the packaging. The impact of material quality turned
out to be an important factor in shaping purchase intentions in the
experiment of [75].
Individual differences in responding to visual features are important
in evaluating the visual message conveyed by packaging. Therefore, the
segmentation of consumers according to design factors is also of
interest to researchers. For instance, in the study of food packaging in
the Thai consumer community, Silayoi and Speece [43] classified this
market into three general segments, that is, convenience-oriented,
image- and information-seeking.
One of the basic aspects that differentiates the overall reactions to
visual attributes of messages is the individual aesthetic sensitivity.
Bloch [76] proposed a systematic approach to assess this sensitivity. In
an empirical study, the author showed that customers with a high degree
of visual sensitivity rate products with high aesthetic quality much
better than people with low sensitivity. They are also more decided as
to purchase intentions.
3. Materials and Methods
The previously characterized results of research on the factors that
shape subjects’ preferences require appropriate research methods and
techniques. Since people are the source of knowledge and, at the same
time, the subject of research, identifying the influence of individual
factors on participants’ reactions involves the analysis of their
subjective stimulus assessments. Various methods allow for obtaining
this information. For example, one may directly ask about the
significance of each of these factors individually. However, since the
actual reception of the message carried by the packaging depends on the
selection of a specific object, methods including this approach seem to
better reflect the actual behavior of consumers. This belief was
confirmed in the work of Mueller et al. [42]. The research therefore
usually involves factorial experiments where a specific set of factors,
along with definitions of their interesting levels, are defined. The
participants’ responses that arise from the combination of the presented
variants’ levels are then recorded.
For research on graphic marketing messages, the responses are usually
preferences, attitude, likelihood of purchase, while the product
variants pertain to specific visual features of the packaging, such as
those discussed above (e.g., shape, size, layout, color, etc.). In most
studies, the results of experiments obtained from factorial designs are
analyzed using classical statistical methods such as analysis of
variance and regression analysis, e.g., [63], [72], [57]. However,
investigators increasingly often take advantage of some other, more
complex approaches. Among them, the conjoint analysis group of methods
play a progressively more important role in the discussed area, e.g.,
[16], [38], [41].
3.1. Experimental design and procedure
We investigate the visual design of the cordless kettle packaging. It
is a popular device, widely used, often purchased, relatively
inexpensive, and generally available in stores. Thus, this type of
product seems to be suitable to establish a relationship between
marketing and psychological aspects of packaging perception. The digital
version of its packaging allows you to eliminate other aspects of
product purchase decisions, such as shape, weight, or dimensions.
Although the chosen research subject is not a message experienced as
often as the packaging of food, decisions to purchase such
medium-involvement products are also frequently made at the place of
purchase. This place is more and more often e-Commerce portals. We
designed three-dimensional (3D) virtual images of packaging in a graphic
program. The obtained results based on such stimuli can probably be
transferred to real objects – this was suggested, for example, by Jaeger
et al. [41]. However, it is also important to gain insight into the
factors that influence the assessment of preferences for the virtual
objects themselves, for example, for the sake of a product presentation
in electronic advertisements, catalogs of online stores [77], or in
digital signage systems [48]. The positive impact of 3D visualization of
food packaging on purchasing intentions has been convincingly documented
recently, for example, by Petit et al. [78]. In view of the results of
research on packaging of food, it is interesting if these relations
between graphic design features and shopping preferences can be
transferred to the sphere of household products. The confirmation of
such a relationship for virtual models of telephone packaging is
presented in [49].
The tested packaging variants presented products of a nonexistent
“Elektro” company. While designing the experiment, we took into
account the limited human visual perception and the duration of the
survey. Therefore, we decided to manipulate three factors: the
Graphical context, Description type, and
Background color. Each of these three independent variables was
specified on two levels. The rationale of choosing them is as
The results of Underwood et al. [13] constituted a particular
motivation for our research. They documented the increase in consumers’
attention level through packaging designs containing the appropriate
graphic image of the product. Significant dependencies were observed
only for little-known brands and products with a relatively high degree
of perceptive benefit. In other words, the graphical product
presentation should induce appropriate cognitive processing and
expectation of product sensory experience. This result, together with
the previously mentioned cross-modality effects [64], were an
inspiration to check if the context of use related to the cordless
kettle has any impact on customers’ perception. Therefore, in the
current study, we present the product either surrounded by a cup of tea
and a cookie or without such a graphical context.
Suggestions from research on the role of text in shaping the
evaluation of food packaging are included, among others, in the works
[43], [68]. In particular, Silayoi and Speece [43] showed the positive
impact of extended and precise information in relation to the vague one
on the likelihood of purchase. Being inspired by this finding, we also
examine this effect in the present investigation. The product
description was either concise – only basic information was presented,
or extended – with some product details provided.
In the previously mentioned study on virtual images of passion fruit
juice packaging [16], the background color turned out to be one of the
key factors that influence participants’ sensory perception. Very
complex relations regarding the influence of colors on subjects’
experiences prompted us to examine only simplified monochrome background
designs for the varieties of virtual packaging tested. White and black
colors were used as they minimize the difficulty of controlling very
diverse associations between colors and affective responses [72].
We designed eight packaging variants in the 3DS Max software for
research purposes. They corresponded to all combinations of the
investigated factor levels and are shown graphically in Figure 3.
Black background |
Concise description |
Extended description |
Concise description |
Extended description |
Without graphical context |
With graphical context |
Figure 3. All eight experimental conditions differed
in Background color, Description type, and
Graphical context.
We employed a full factorial, within-subjects experimental design.
Each participant evaluated all eight packaging variants by means of
pairwise comparisons. There were 28 different pairs, and the task was to
assess to what extent a given digital packaging variant is more
persuasive in terms of the purchase decision. Subjects responded to the
following question: “Which product packaging encourages you more to buy
the product?”. The default web browser displayed horizontally two
experimental conditions at a time. Participants provided answers by
selecting the appropriate radio button that corresponded to one of the
following five scale items: decidedly left, rather left, no preference,
rather right, decidedly right. The order of appearance of the
comparisons was random. The entire procedure took about 15 minutes.
We used relative weights computed based on the outcomes of the
pairwise comparisons as the dependent measure of the participants’
purchase willingness. The software derived relative weights by
calculating the eigenvector associated with the maximum eigen value of
the matrix with the results of pairwise comparisons from each subject.
The eigen vector was then standardized in such a way that the sum of its
components equals 1. These eigen vector elements are interpreted as
relative weights for the assessed variants. The bigger the value of the
relative weight, the higher the preference.
Such an approach is widely used [79], [80]. For example, in [81] one
may find a detailed description of its classical version and a rich
overview of the applications of this method in various decision-making
spheres. Davies [82] proposed the concept of including AHP in marketing
knowledge-based support systems and discussed the application of this
method in making marketing decisions since the 1980s. Among the
relatively few marketing applications, the approach to the selection of
advertising strategies is noteworthy, as shown, e.g., in the work of
Kwak et al. [83]. In Kwong and Bai [84], pairwise comparisons were used
to determine the importance of weights for planning the product of a
hair dryer. Wang et al. [85] proposed a similar method for the design of
a new pencil in the context of quality function deployment (QFD).
Possibly the first application of the approach discussed in the domain
of visual communication search was put forward in [48]. In this work,
the authors used pairwise comparisons to retrieve preference vectors for
various types of screen design in digital signage.
The essence of determining the hierarchy of assessed objects in this
approach lies in comparing them in pairs, which simplifies the cognitive
demands placed on decision-makers by restricting the pool of possible
options at a given time [80]. Furthermore, there is some evidence that
simultaneously evaluating only two variants increases the quality and
precision of the obtained data [47]. Although the effect of comparisons
in the experimental study is the vector of priorities for individual
objects, the evaluation itself is also, in a sense, a choice-based
technique in which a choice is made in each comparison between two
The external company sent an email invitation to potential
participants asking them to take part in the survey. The respondents did
not receive any payment for their participation. The invitation email
content included a direct hyperlink to the web page prepared on the
https://www.webankieta.pl/ platform. This system collected and stored
sociodemographic data and pairwise comparison results. After all
subjects completed the experiments, the raw data were sent to the
authors as an MS Excel file. A custom software implemented in MS Visual
Basic processed the data received to calculate relative weights based on
comparison matrices. We imported these results along with
sociodemographic data into the TIBCO Statistica version 13.3 software
for formal statistical analysis. The weights calculated for all
participants were also imported to custom modules implemented in Matlab
R2019a to obtain conjoint analysis results and perform all product
choice simulations and prepare purchase models.
3.2. Participants
The target group was customers of retail chains. A hired external
company collected the data. Overall, 100 people completed the survey.
After verifying of the data received from the company, 82 questionnaires
were qualified for further research and analysis. The investigators
rejected questionnaires with errors that they could not fix. Of the 82
properly completed questionnaires, women represented 73% (59) and men
for 27% (23). Table 1 includes the characteristics of the
Table 1. Characteristics of 82 participants who
correctly filled in the questionnaires.
Variable |
Category |
Value |
Percentage |
Females |
59 |
73% |
Males |
23 |
27% |
Age |
18-25 years |
16 |
20% |
26-35 years |
43 |
52% |
36-45 years |
18 |
22% |
> 45 years |
5 |
6% |
Monthly net income |
< 2000 PLN (≈500 €*) |
12 |
14.6% |
2000-2999 PLN (≈750 €) |
17 |
20.7% |
3000-3999 PLN (≈1000 €) |
18 |
22.0% |
>= 4000 PLN |
35 |
42.7% |
Education |
Secondary |
10 |
12% |
Higher |
72 |
88% |
* Approximated values in Euros were calculated with a simplified
exchange rate of 1€ ≈ 4PLN. One should keep in mind that income in
various countries has different purchasing power.
4. Results
This section consists of two subsections. In the first, we provide
basic descriptive statistics of the results, obtained experimental
condition rankings, and formal statistical analyses of the differences
between the examined factors. The second subsection includes results of
the performed conjoint analyses along with the purchase probability
4.1. Relative preferences
4.1.1. Descriptive statistics
The basic descriptive statistics of the relative preference weights
for all participants examined are included in Table 2. Minimum scores
ranged from 0.013 to 0.033, while maximum values were between 0.222 and
0.386. Medians were smaller than means as the skewness was positive,
except for the case with black background with graphical context and an
extended description for which we observed negative skewness. The
kurtosis values were decidedly the highest (>5) for the two variants
with a concise description: with the graphical context on the white
background and without the graphical context on the black background.
Standard errors did not exceed 0.1 under any experimental condition. The
mean preference weights were noticeably the highest for the two variants
with the graphical context and extended descriptions. The least
influential packaging designs involved concise descriptions without
accompanying graphical context.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of relative
preference weights for 82 subjects (69 females, 29 males).
White |
Concise |
Yes |
0.106 |
0.098 |
0.020 |
0.386 |
0.059 |
1.75 |
5.53 |
No |
0.063 |
0.042 |
0.019 |
0.222 |
0.041 |
1.41 |
1.79 |
Extended |
Yes |
0.194 |
0.183 |
0.030 |
0.372 |
0.099 |
0.20 |
-1.08 |
No |
0.110 |
0.085 |
0.031 |
0.380 |
0.080 |
1.65 |
2.40 |
Black |
Concise |
Yes |
0.127 |
0.115 |
0.018 |
0.369 |
0.079 |
0.95 |
0.88 |
No |
0.079 |
0.060 |
0.013 |
0.345 |
0.063 |
2.09 |
5.03 |
Extended |
Yes |
0.192 |
0.208 |
0.033 |
0.371 |
0.098 |
-0.14 |
-1.03 |
No |
0.129 |
0.108 |
0.026 |
0.375 |
0.081 |
1.48 |
1.67 |
Basic descriptive statistics for the relative weights computed
individually for women and men are put together in Tables A.1 and A.2,
respectively, in Appendix A. Mean relative weights for all examined
packaging variants are graphically presented in Figure 4 separately for
the female and male participants. The graph shows some gender
variations, however, mean standard errors shown as vertical bars suggest
that these discrepancies may not be meaningful. A standard two-way
analysis of variance (Experimental Condition × Gender)
was employed to verify if differences in relative weight means between
men and women for the conditions examined are statistically significant.
The results are put together in Table A.3 revealed that experimental
conditions, in general, significantly differentiated mean relative
scores [F(7, 640) = 22.7, p < 0.0001,
η2 = 0.20], whereas the Gender effect along
with the Gender × Experimental condition interaction
were statistically meaningless (p > 0.5).
Figure 4. Mean preference weights for all
experimental conditions, including gender differences. Whiskers denote
mean standard errors. The effect of Experimental condition was
significant [F(7, 640) = 22.7, p < 0.0001,
η2 = 0.2], the Gender and the interaction
of Experimental condition × Gender were insignificant
(p > 0.5).
Table A.4. from Appendix A contains LSD Fishers’ post hoc tests for
all pairs of examined experimental conditions. It shows that only
between seven out of 28 pairs of packaging designs the discrepancies
were statistically irrelevant. No differences were noticed between
variants with the graphical context, including the concise description
and the item without context but with the extended description. The
situation occurred for both backgrounds (p > 0.7). Another
four statistically insignificant discrepancies were noted between
variants differing only in the background color.
4.1.2. Ranking of experimental conditions
To determine the ranking of all packaging variants examined, we used
relative preference weights. The best-rated design was assigned rank
one, whereas the worst variant was associated with rank eight. In
addition to the overall ranking, we also derived the rankings for
females and males. In Figure 5 we present graphically the outcome of
this procedure. The results clearly show that conditions with both
graphical context and extended descriptions were decidedly the best,
whereas variants without graphical contexts and additional descriptions
were the last in the rankings. in all cases. One may also notice some
differences between males and females. Women seem to rank variants with
black backgrounds slightly higher.
The overall ranking can be analyzed in conjunction with the post hoc
tests from Table A.4. The first- and second-best variants differ only in
the background color and the discrepancy in their mean relative weights
is statistically irrelevant (p = 0.83). The third element of
this ranking is like the fourth and fifth variants (p = 0.85
and p = 0.11, respectively). There is also no statistical
difference between the fourth and fifth ranks (p = 0.16), fifth
and sixth (p = 0.70), as well as between the seventh and eighth
(p = 0.20) ones. In the next subsection, we present further
formal factorial analysis.
Best |
Worst |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Ranking for females |
Ranking for males |
Figure 5. Rankings for all experimental conditions
including gender differences.
4.1.3. Analysis of variance for relative weights of the examined factors
We formally examined the relative preferences by means of a classical
three-way analysis of variance that involved the Background
color, Description type, and Context type
variables. As the gender effect did not have any significant impact on
preferences, we have excluded it from the analysis. The Anova results
are given in Table 3. They show the statistical significance of the
Background color factor [F(1, 648) = 4.93,
p = 0.0267, η2 = 0.0075], however, the
effect size measured by eta squared, according to the Cohen’s
interpretation [86], is considered small. The effects of Description
type and Context type were also statistically meaningful
[F(1, 648) = 108.60, p < 0.0001,
η2 = 0.1435; F(1, 648) = 96.97,
p < 0.0001, η2 = 0.1302, respectively].
The size effects of these factors can be classified as large. The only
significant interaction observed was between Description type
and Context type, but its size effect was small [F(1,
648) = 5.30, p = 0.0216, η2 = 0.0081].
Table 3. Three-way Anova results for the influence
of Background color (BC), Description type (DT), and
Graphical context (GC), on mean preference weights.
Effect |
SS |
df |
F |
p |
η2 |
Background color (BC) |
0.0294 |
1 |
0.0294 |
4.93 |
0.0267* |
0.0075 |
Description type (DT) |
0.6469 |
1 |
0.6469 |
108.60 |
< 0.0001** |
0.1435 |
Graphical context (GC) |
0.5777 |
1 |
0.5777 |
96.97 |
< 0.0001** |
0.1302 |
BC × DT |
0.0042 |
1 |
0.0042 |
0.71 |
0.40 |
BC × GC |
0.0025 |
1 |
0.0025 |
0.43 |
0.52 |
DT × GC |
0.0316 |
1 |
0.0316 |
5.30 |
0.0216* |
0.0081 |
BC × DT × GC |
0.0079 |
1 |
0.0079 |
1.33 |
0.25 |
Error |
3.86 |
648 |
0.0060 |
* α < 0.05; ** α < 0.0001
Figures 6-9 graphically illustrate all statistically meaningful
differences. Subjects, on average better rated conditions with black
background than white background. They decidedly better assessed
variants including extended descriptions than those with a basic
description. The involvement of the graphical context resulted in a
considerable increase of mean relative preference scores in comparison
to packaging without such a context.
Figure 6. Effect of Background color on
mean preference weights. Whiskers denote mean standard errors.
[F(1, 648) = 4.93, p = 0.0267,
η2 = 0.0075]. |
Figure 7. Effect of Description type on
mean preference weights. Whiskers denote mean standard errors.
[F(1, 648) = 108.60, p < 0.0001,
η2 = 0.1435]. |
Figure 8. Effect of Graphical context on
mean preference weights. Whiskers denote mean standard errors.
[F(1, 648) = 96.97, p < 0.0001,
η2 = 0.1302]. |
Figure 9. Effect of Description type ×
Graphical context interaction on mean weights. Whiskers denote
mean standard errors. [F(1, 648) = 5.30, p = 0.0216,
η2 = 0.0081]. |
The significant interaction Description type × Graphical
context suggests that adding an extended description increases the
assessment of variants with a context larger than conditions without
context (Figure 9). We further examined this interaction by performing
Fisher’s LSD post hoc pairwise comparisons. The results are summarized
in Table 4 and show that there is only an insignificant difference
between the variant with a context and a concise description and the
option without a context but including an extended description.
Table 4. Fisher’s LSD post hoc pairwise comparisons
for the Description type × Graphical context
interaction effect.
Description |
Concise |
Concise |
Extended |
Context |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Concise |
Yes |
× |
Concise |
No |
< 0.0001** |
× |
Extended |
Yes |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
× |
Extended |
No |
0.685 |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
**α < 0.0001
4.2. Conjoint analyses
4.2.1. Overall results
We conducted CA for all participants and separately for males and
females to check if there were differences between those two groups.
Relative weights along with the examined factors were used for
performing dummy-based regressions while calculating conjoint results.
The aggregate-level relative importances and part-worth estimates for
all participants and the investigated groups are given in Table 5.
Table 5. Conjoint analyses results.
Females |
Males |
All subjects |
Background color |
12.0% |
2.1% |
9.9% |
– 0.00886
– 0.00111
– 0.00669
Description type |
43.5% |
56.7% |
46.3% |
– 0.03219
– 0.02939
– 0.03140
Graphical context |
44.5% |
41.1% |
43.8% |
– 0.03293
– 0.02132
– 0.02967
The data for all subjects clearly show that the Description
type factor was deemed as the most valuable one with the relative
importance larger than 46%. The Graphical context feature of
the packaging was only slightly better (almost 44%), while
Background color markedly impacted the participant’s decisions
the least, with a relative importance of about 10%. These conjoint
relative importances are in concordance with the effect sizes obtained
within the formal analysis of variance approach and provide additional
insight into the relative dependencies between the examined factors.
Since we have employed dummy variable based linear regression
approach, the consecutive utilities for all experimental conditions,
that is, examined versions of packaging, can be easily calculated by
simply adding up partial utilities corresponding to the factor levels of
a given variant. Negative values of partial utilities suggest a
decrease, whereas positive ones suggest an increase in the overall
utility for a given factor level. In particular, white background color,
concise description type, and lack of graphical context negatively
affect the total utility. On the other hand, the black background color,
the extended description, and the inclusion of the graphical context had
a positive effect on the variant total utility. These findings, in
general, correspond quite well to the mean relative weights of
Figures 6-9.
Similarly as in the case of relative weight formal analysis, we
examined whether the conjoint results for female and male subjects
exhibit differences. Given the statistically insignificant effect of
gender on the overall results presented in Section 4.1.3, we did not
expect any impact. Surprisingly, the conjoint relative importances
appeared to be considerably different for women and men.
The results presented in Table 5 indicate that Background
color is considerably less important for males than females – 2%
versus 12%, although the partial utilities were positive for black and
negative for white colors in both genders. Moreover, the Description
type feature was decidedly the most significant for men (almost
57%) whereas according to women, this factor was only in the second
place (43.5%), just after Graphical context (44.5%).
4.2.2. Purchase models – product choice simulations
Calculated within the conjoint framework, partial utilities one can
use for predicting purchase choices made by potential customers. Various
approaches in this regard are available. In this section, we present the
application of the maximum utility model (also known as the first-choice
model), and two probability-based approaches, that is,
Bradley-Terry-Luce [87], [88] and logit probability models. The results
obtained by performing simulations according to these methods are put
together in Table 6. As in the previous section, here we also provide
calculations for all participants as well as separately for males and
Table 6. Purchase model simulations.
Females |
Males |
All |
Females |
Males |
All |
Females |
Males |
All |
White |
Concise |
Yes |
1.7% |
0% |
1.2% |
0.1165 |
0.1154 |
0.1162 |
0.1238 |
0.1237 |
0.1237 |
No |
0% |
0% |
0% |
0.0545 |
0.0749 |
0.0602 |
0.1162 |
0.1187 |
0.1169 |
Extended |
Yes |
28.8% |
34.8% |
30.5% |
0.1791 |
0.1736 |
0.1776 |
0.1319 |
0.1313 |
0.1317 |
No |
11.9% |
4.3% |
9.8% |
0.1152 |
0.1305 |
0.1195 |
0.1237 |
0.1256 |
0.1242 |
Black |
Concise |
Yes |
6.8% |
4.3% |
6.1% |
0.1350 |
0.1170 |
0.1299 |
0.1262 |
0.1239 |
0.1255 |
No |
1.7% |
8.7% |
3.7% |
0.0709 |
0.0805 |
0.0736 |
0.1182 |
0.1195 |
0.1186 |
Extended |
Yes |
40.7% |
34.8% |
39.0% |
0.1966 |
0.1751 |
0.1906 |
0.1343 |
0.1314 |
0.1334 |
No |
8.5% |
13.0% |
9.8% |
0.1322 |
0.1330 |
0.1324 |
0.1257 |
0.1259 |
0.1258 |
The first-choice model in our research shows how often a specific
package variant would incline customers to make the purchase. More
specifically, what is the percentage of giving the top priority to the
variant while buying. Figure 10 graphically demonstrates these results.
They show a considerable discrepancy between the two variants, including
graphical context with extended descriptions on white or black
backgrounds, and the rest of the experimental conditions. Packaging
including a graphical context with more textual details about the
product will constitute either about 30% (on the white background) or
almost 40% (on the black background) of the customers’ first buying
choices. Excluding the graphical context results in a drastic drop of
the first-choice percentages down to less than 10%. The simulation model
shows that conditions with white background and concise descriptions
will seldom be selected as the first. The graph also shows some
meaningful differences between the first choices made by females and
males. Women tend to select variants with the extended description and
graphical context more often if the background is black. For men, such a
discrepancy does not exist. Furthermore, the condition with the extended
description and without the graphical context was rated better by
females than by males if the background was white. For the black
background, the situation was reversed: the bigger percentage of men
will choose this packaging variant.
Figure 10. First-choice purchase probability
Figure 11 illustrates the results of the Bradley Terry Luce purchase
probability model. The outcomes agree with the first-choice model and
show the highest probability of purchase decisions for variants with an
extended description and graphical context. For other experimental
conditions, the differences were not as distinct as in the first-choice
model. The purchase probabilities for the following four digital
packages were similar: the concise description with the graphical
context, both for black and white backgrounds, and two variants with
extended descriptions and without graphical contexts also for black and
white backgrounds. The smallest probability of purchase was obtained for
items including only a brief description and without a context, however,
the values were bigger compared to the previous model. As far as gender
differences are concerned, one may observe that in the three conditions
without the graphical context, the probabilities for males were greater
than for females. In three other cases in which the graphical context
was used, the probabilities for women were higher than for man.
Generally, differences in probabilities between women and men were less
noticeable than in the first-choice model.
Figure 11. Bradley Terry Luce purchase probability
model results.
In Figure 12 we graphically present the simulations according to the
logit probability model. In general, the results show much less evident
differences among the conditions examined. One can see that customers,
the most likely, will purchase the variants with extended description
and graphical context. The purchase probabilities for all other variants
differed only slightly. The data, at large, show no meaningful
discrepancies between women and men as well.
Figure 12. Logit probability model of purchase
decision results.
5. Discussion
5.1. Summary of the results and explanations
In the current research, we focus on the influence of
medium-involvement product packaging on the customers’ perceptive
willingness to buy. More specifically, we examine three graphical
characteristics of a digital presentation of a cordless kettle package.
Two of them were the so-called low-level factors, that is, the
background color and product description type, and one high-level
factor, the product graphical context. Based on these three features
specified on two levels, each of eight digital graphical packaging
designs was elaborated and investigated. The presented findings show a
statistically significant impact of all examined effects on the
subjects’ willingness to buy, which according to the presented purchase
probability models would translate to real-life customer behavior. The
analysis of variance effect sizes and conjoint relative importances
indicate that the surrounding graphical context and the description type
were considerably more influential than the background color. As a
result, packaging variants with the additional graphical context and
extended descriptions, involving both white and black backgrounds, were
scored the highest.
Although the extended text on graphical stimuli was barely visible
and difficult or even impossible to read, the willingness to buy of such
products was considerably greater. It seems that for medium-involvement
goods, the potential thorough description is enough even though they are
not able to read and analyze the textual content. Such detailed
information may indicate the professional approach of the manufacturer
to provide broad information to customers about technical features.
Furthermore, despite not being able to read and assess the product
additional information, customers may value the possibility to refer to
it later, e.g., after purchasing the product.
The result indicating the role of extended textual information is
especially compatible with the research on the packaging factors of food
products. For example, in the study [43], the assessment of purchase
propensity examined with the conjoint technique, extended text
information on packaging exhibited the relative importance comparable to
those for color, graphics and packaging shape, and higher than the
layout parameter.
The expanded textual information in experiments where participants
are required to study its content plays the most important role. This
applies to both virtually presented technical products in [15], and food
[16]. In the work of Safrizal et al. [68], in turn, direct interviews
showed the primary role of textual information on the actual coffee
packaging in real purchases. In this context, the results obtained in
our research indicate the existence of an additional potential value
resulting from the very fact of placing extended textual information
even if it is independent of the substantive content.
The provision of the graphical context in the packaging constitutes
another essential factor that significantly influences the buying
decisions of customers. Presenting a product surrounded by objects
related to typical positive situations of its usage probably evokes
associations and triggers positive emotions. This, in turn, may
translate to a higher inclination to buy it, which was revealed in our
purchase probability model. The effect in the present study was strong
and is in concordance with other research involving product usage
context, e.g., [16], [73]. This influence seems to be related to the
phenomenon of cross-modality. In the previously mentioned study by
Vergura and Luceri [17], the presentation of a biscuit context in the
form of selected product ingredients did not influence the willingness
to buy. However, it should be emphasized that the context chosen by the
authors was of a more informational and analytical character, while in
our experiment, placing a cup of tea and a cookie probably evoked
emotional associations. Thus, most likely as in the experiments of
Deliza et al. [16] or Lidón et al. [73], this context triggers the
positive sensory expectation.
While statistically significant, the relative importance of the
packaging background color effect turned out to be the smallest in all
analyses performed. Thus, it may be treated as a supplementary and
secondary factor that affects customer decisions. Despite that, in the
face of strong competition in a given market, it may make a difference
if other more influential factors are on a similar level.
Generally, subjects scored considerably better packaging with black
background than white, which was confirmed by both analysis of variance
and conjoint analysis. This result might be related to some
psychological associations of the black color. There exist some bad
connotations with black like, e.g., death, evil, or aggression [89],
however, in the present study, the participants must have focused on
positive associations such as power (judges, priests), attractiveness,
sophistication, and elegance. Black dominates on several various
exclusive brand logos or luxury vehicles. Some investigations have also
shown that black is a preferable color for clothing, especially for
women [90]. People in black (or red) were shown to be perceived as more
attractive [91] and our results suggest that a similar situation occurs
for household appliances demonstrated on a black packaging background.
This may result from the fact that clothing can be classified, like
cordless kettles, as medium-involvement products.
Although classical statistical approaches did not reveal any
gender-related differences, the conducted CA suggest a substantial
discrepancy between relative importances for the background color
feature. It seems that the background color in our study was decidedly
more important for females than for males. This finding might be of use
when planning a separate marketing campaign for women and men.
5.2. Theoretical and practical implications
The present study provides several implications that can be useful in
better understanding and further developments of the customer purchasing
behavior. The research fits well to the main and well-established
theoretical approaches in this area, that is, TBB, TPB. The obtained
results contribute to the extension of detailed knowledge regarding
relations between object attributes and their relations with purchase
propensity. These can be incorporated into models developed under the
TBB and TPB frameworks.
Referring to the utility theory that underlies the CA concept, our
study provides additional insights on partial utilities of the
investigated factors and their levels within the context of
medium-involvement products. Since the outcomes presented involved a
full factorial design, they can constitute a basis for prospective
research that excludes observed insignificant interactions. This will
allow researchers to include other potentially interesting factors or
increase the number of factor levels examined.
From a practical point of view, the partial utilities along with
factor relative importances obtained within the CA framework give
information that can be translated into specific guidelines while
graphically designing packaging for medium-involvement products. In
particular, the results presented show that there is a significant
positive influence of the graphical context on the customer preferences.
This can be directly taken advantage of by including an additional
graphical context that is related with the given product use, into the
description presented in web-based retail platforms. For instance,
e-shops may consider presenting cordless kettles accompanied by a cup of
tea and a cookie as in our experiments. The same recommendation can be
followed while designing other marketing graphical messages used in more
classical places such as billboards or advertisements in paper
magazines. Similarly, they should consider providing extended textual
information on the product package, since, according to our findings, it
considerably increases the customer preferences.
Because we performed CA separately for both women and men, one can
practically use the results to develop product packaging specifically
adjusted to the given gender. Then, these different graphical designs
can be used, for instance, in marketing campaigns involving e-mail
messages, which are directed to appropriate target recipients. On the
same principle, banners on websites can be tailored for registered users
of the electronic shop for whom the specific gender is known. The same
applies to conducting marketing campaigns on social media and search
engines of various kinds. The gender can also be determined by facial
recognition software that takes advantage of recent developments in
artificial intelligence algorithms and computer vision technology [7].
Thus, it is feasible to create or change the graphical message content
dynamically depending on whether a man or woman is looking at it. Such
solutions could be applied in places where advertisements are presented
digitally and a video camera with the appropriate software is available.
Some examples include large screens in public spaces or computer
monitors that are currently used often at supermarket checkout counters
or in elevators. It is also possible to place an appropriate version of
the advertisement in locations where a specific gender is known to be
predominant, such as women in beauty or hairdressing salons. Similarly,
we can use the results of this study to decide which version of the
product packaging should be used in TV commercials before, during and
after programs devoted primarily to the specific gender.
Furthermore, the simulations presented of purchasing behavior for all
examined experimental conditions provide a direct notion of how the
derived partial utilities influence product buying probabilities. In
this case, the distinct behavior predicted for men and women can also be
taken advantage of in practical situations, for instance, while making
simulations and predictions about specific product demands.
5.3. Limitations and future research directions
As in any experimentally based research, several issues should be
considered while drawing conclusions from the presented data and
extending them to the whole population. The sample used in this study
might not be representative, e.g., there is a large proportion of
subjects with high education and all subjects were Poles. Thus, the
presented findings require further examination involving bigger samples
and more comprehensive systematic control of a number of
sociodemographic and economic variables.
There are some limitations and problems usually related to the
application of CA approaches, such as the complexity and versatility of
these techniques in relation to other methods [36], [39]. Despite the
significant effort to correctly apply and calculate the necessary
parameters, it is still possible that the measurements do not reflect
the real views of the respondents adequately. Furthermore, CA research
that involve factorial experiments, such as the one employed in this
study, are quite limited and troublesome as the number of experimental
conditions grows very quickly with the number of factors and their
levels. There exist some recommendations and methods for limiting the
number of experimental conditions, such as the use of fractional
factorial designs, or dynamically changing the number of variants
assessed based on the previous decisions of respondents [92], [93].
Unfortunately, in some cases, the application of these proposals may
lead to giving up on some potentially important insights like the
identification of attributes’ interactions. Even by employing these
techniques, scientists finally must restrict their interest to selected
subsets of the variables of interest.
Another problem that complicates research is the complex
psychological and sociocultural mechanisms of image perception.
Affective processes influencing image assessment of the are integrated
with cognitive processes and it is often difficult to control all
aspects and variables in a given context in experiments [60]. Especially
since, as shown, inter alia, in the work of Bloch et al. [76], the
phenomena discussed also differ between individuals. Therefore, most of
the works presented here include rather limited ranges of variables and
problems. It seems, however, that a constant increase in the number of
examined fragments of reality, in addition to the practical usefulness
of the acquired knowledge, also allows us to better understand the
universal laws governing visual communication.
Despite the above-mentioned problems, future research should also
involve other products to verify if this study outcomes hold for
different medium-involvement goods. It may be especially important
since, from the specific e-Commerce perspective, there might be a
possible misalignment between the chosen product along with its
packaging and the web site-related purchase context. In general, our
experimental setup refers to broadly understood digital signage, such as
advertisements used in digital outdoor billboards or pictures presented
on screen monitors in elevators or at supermarket cashiers. However, in
the context online shopping, it should also be taken into account that
graphical factors influencing the online purchase decisions, examined in
the current study, may be perceived differently depending on the type of
device, e.g., mobile phones, tablets, or desktop computers [94]. This
aspect should also be addressed in future studies with additional
control of the customer emotional state resulting from the effort
required to find the information [95].
Comparative experiments including different categories of products
would be interesting as well. Additional directions of further research
could include, other than those used in this paper, low- and high-level
factors. Moreover, the present study can motivate researchers to conduct
similar new experiments in which they will use videos of the product and
its packaging instead of static graphical messages. All the more that
such videos are especially persuasive and are more and more commonly
used to present products [96], [97].
One can also consider the inclusion of qualitative studies to account
for the observed differences. Another possible extension of the present
investigation may involve eye-tracking devices to assess the subjects’
visual activity while making purchase decisions. This could facilitate
drawing some inferences about perceptual strategies and their relations
with buying products.
6. Conclusions
Graphical digital presentation is ubiquitous in a modern world, and
we meet digital product representations not only on our smartphones,
tablets, and computers, but also outdoors, in shopping malls, ATMs, or
even elevators. Therefore, understanding if and in what way such
a marketing message affects people is of great interest both for
scientists and practitioners. Our research tried to add some more
insight into this problem. The results obtained confirm that digitally
demonstrated packaging plays an important role in shaping customer
purchase decisions.
We examined a medium-involvement product packaging differed by a
combination of factors and interactions between them that have not been
previously studied. Both low-level (constitutive) attributes and the
high-level factor were involved. The presented outcomes extend our
knowledge about how people perceive various variants of packaging
design, and how it may influence their purchase decisions. The results
may be used for extending and providing a more detailed classical models
of purchasing behavior, that is, TBB and TPB.
From a methodological point of view, we combined the relative weight
extraction based on eigenvectors with the conjoint analysis. This proved
to be an interesting approach that allowed us to make more in-depth
analyses and led to the development of purchase probability models that
predict the real-life buying behavior of customers. Due to this
approach, we were also able to detect considerable differences between
females and males, which were not obvious while applying classical
statistical methods.
Using the CA approach, we identified the relative importances of the
examined factors – it will help the designers focus on the most relevant
features first. This information may be useful while designing product
packages and presenting products in a digital form in various
Appendix A
Table A.1. Descriptive statistics for 69 females and all experimental conditions.
White |
Concise |
Yes |
0.106 |
0.098 |
0.020 |
0.386 |
0.062 |
2.01 |
6.61 |
No |
0.060 |
0.042 |
0.019 |
0.222 |
0.041 |
1.79 |
3.38 |
Extended |
Yes |
0.193 |
0.190 |
0.031 |
0.372 |
0.094 |
0.22 |
-1.01 |
No |
0.106 |
0.082 |
0.031 |
0.380 |
0.084 |
1.98 |
3.47 |
Black |
Concise |
Yes |
0.132 |
0.119 |
0.018 |
0.369 |
0.082 |
1.07 |
1.29 |
No |
0.074 |
0.056 |
0.016 |
0.247 |
0.049 |
1.60 |
2.95 |
Extended |
Yes |
0.201 |
0.210 |
0.033 |
0.371 |
0.094 |
-0.20 |
-0.76 |
No |
0.129 |
0.108 |
0.035 |
0.344 |
0.081 |
1.54 |
1.73 |
Table A.2. Descriptive statistics for 29 males and
all experimental conditions.
White |
Concise |
Yes |
0.105 |
0.106 |
0.033 |
0.234 |
0.053 |
0.60 |
-0.12 |
No |
0.072 |
0.058 |
0.021 |
0.154 |
0.040 |
0.58 |
-0.98 |
Extended |
Yes |
0.198 |
0.169 |
0.030 |
0.372 |
0.112 |
0.14 |
-1.31 |
No |
0.121 |
0.113 |
0.031 |
0.250 |
0.071 |
0.54 |
-1.08 |
Black |
Concise |
Yes |
0.115 |
0.091 |
0.025 |
0.242 |
0.074 |
0.48 |
-1.37 |
No |
0.091 |
0.062 |
0.013 |
0.345 |
0.089 |
1.82 |
2.68 |
Extended |
Yes |
0.168 |
0.174 |
0.035 |
0.345 |
0.106 |
0.10 |
-1.50 |
No |
0.131 |
0.110 |
0.026 |
0.375 |
0.083 |
1.41 |
2.25 |
Table A.3. Two-way Anova results for all
experimental conditions and gender.
Effect |
SS |
df |
F |
p |
η2 |
Experimental condition (EC) |
0.95 |
7 |
0.136 |
22.7 |
<0.0001** |
0.20 |
Gender |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
EC × Gender |
0.034 |
7 |
0.0049 |
0.824 |
0.57 |
Error |
3.83 |
640 |
0.0060 |
** α < 0.0001
Table A.4. LSD Fishers’ post hoc tests for all
experimental conditions.
1 (6) |
White |
Concise |
Yes |
× |
2 (8) |
No |
< 0.0001** |
× |
3 (1) |
Extended |
Yes |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
× |
4 (5) |
No |
0.702 |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
× |
5 (4) |
Black |
Concise |
Yes |
0.075 |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
0.162 |
× |
6 (7) |
No |
0.026* |
0.203 |
< 0.0001** |
0.009* |
< 0.0001** |
× |
7 (2) |
Extended |
Yes |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
0.833 |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
× |
8 (3) |
No |
0.049* |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
0.113 |
0.850 |
< 0.0001** |
< 0.0001** |
* α < 0.05, ** α < 0.0001, values in
brackets denote ranks of variants
Conflict of interest statement
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there
is no conflict of interest.
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We would like to thank the four anonymous reviewers for providing
their opinions, valuable comments, and suggestions for the earlier
version of the manuscript. We are certain that the changes made in
response to them resulted in a significantly better paper. This research
was partially financially supported by Polish National Science Centre
under Grant No. 2017/27/B/HS4/01876.